
Kimberly Palm currently has 2 books available worldwide on in both Print version and Kindle ebook:

“Ascension 101: A Roadmap for Your Soul” 

“The Real Fountain of Youth: An Introduction to the P.E.A.C.E. Stress Management System”

Please scroll all the way down to learn more; If you are outside of the USA please search your local Amazon for the book titles because the links shared here are for USA Amazon only.

Mother earth (Gaia) is going through an ascension process and so are you. You should not have to do this process alone. There is information and loving beings who want to work with you. You can achieve a happy, healthy, and successful ascension. Get the important guidebook that will give you a roadmap for the ascension & journey of your soul!

Now available on Amazon worldwide in both print version and kindle ebook version.

“The Real Fountain of Youth”, is an introduction to the P.E.A.C.E. Stress Management System® and is a total body, mind, spirit healing program and total life makeover.

“Walking With Yeshua and Mary Magdalene” is the story of the man called Jesus Christ and the woman known as the Magdalene that the churches do not want people to know. This information has been hidden and kept from humanity for almost 2,000 years.  This book is not available in a printed form or to the public because of its controversial content. This book is only available by ordering the E-book directly from Kimberly and then she will email it to you. Please allow 1 to 3 working days, once you have purchased to receive the E-book. Make sure to enter updated email address when ordering and check your spam folder if not recieved within 3 days. Click on box below to purchase E-book directly from Kimberly.

This book will teach you about every type of stress that may be impacting you. It will give you practical tools so you can start preventing, deleting, reducing and managing stress. Over 98% of illness is caused by stress we create. We all want to live longer on Earth. You can create your own personal “Fountain of Youth”.   This book will teach you how to manage all the different types of stress. This book will arm you with all the knowledge you need to start creating a life filled with happiness and good health. Besides learning massive amounts of information about how you can defeat stress, you will also get to create your own personal stress management tool kit. This is a total life makeover plan that you will use every day for the rest of your life to live longer, happier and healthier.

In this book you will find out:

  • What is the Ascension; why are you and the earth going through it?
  • Get answers to many of your spiritual and esoteric questions
  • Find out who and what is God plus who and what you are
  • Find out the truth about reincarnation and karma
  • Discover your life purposes; why you are here on earth during this time period. 
  • Find out the many things that lower your vibration, block your ascension and what you can do about them
  • Discover how to protect, clear, heal and balance your energy and raise your vibration
  • Find out the truth about why people get sick or have health issues and why some people die young
  • Learn what happens when you receive Energy Upgrades, Frequency Changes, Light Codes, Downloads and Channeled messages
  • Learn how to communicate with God, Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters and Spirit Animals
  • Find out about your shadow self and how to heal it
  • Learn about the Dark Night of the Soul and how to get through this process
  • Learn how to create a happy life and how to create your own personal roadmap for your soul ascension