Soul Readings
Do you want to know who you really are beyond an avatar body or meat suit?
Kimberly Palm offers comprehensive Soul Readings via email that will explain to you all the things you have missed since you came into this lifetime under a veil of forgetting your past. If you would like a soul reading, please contact Kimberly through her contact form on this website (or click on button below) to request the reading. Kimberly’s assistant will send you important information on how to get your reading and what to do to prepare. If you have questions outside of what she covers in your reading below, please check Kimberly’s Classes page on this website, since she has many classes that may cover the subjects you wish to know about. If You still have questions, Kimberly can refer you to one of her psychic medium business partners to give you a phone counseling session.
Kimberly offers 9 time slots for readings each week. At the time of your reading that you sign up for, Kimberly will tune into your energy, so you need to be in quite place and not near other people. Kimberly spends up to an hour of her time on your Reading, preparing herself and tuning into your energy, and working with Mother Father God and your guides to answer the questions below. After Kimberly does your reading, you will receive an email with your comprehensive detailed reading within 48 hours afterwards. Kimberly covers the following information in your Soul Reading as well as comprehensive explanations of what all this information means:
- What is your vibrational frequency? Are you in a high enough frequency to ascend to 4D, 5D or beyond? How many strands of DNA do you have activated?
- What density consciousness level are you at and what percent? (3D, 4D, 5D)
- What percentage of your physical body has converted to crystalline? (We are all currently changing from carbon based lifeforms to crystalline)
- How many past lives, including this one, have you experienced on planet earth in a human avatar body?
- Have you experienced any non-human past lifetimes on earth?
- If yes, then how many past lives have you experienced on earth in a non-human form?
- How many non-human lives were extra-terrestrial?
- If any ET lives, then what star systems did you come from?
- Are any of your past incarnations as an animal, elemental, dragon, dinosaur, bird, fairy, big foot or other creature and what were those?
- Is your soul a human soul or Star seed that came to earth from other places?
- If you are a Star seed, are you a mortal star seed, an embodied Angel, elemental or celestial being?
- What star system did you come to earth from?
- Have you lived in other star systems and how many?
- How old is your soul going back to when Mother Father God first created your Holy Spirit?
- Is your soul fully embodied in your human avatar or is your soul a fractal of an oversoul?
- If you are an earth angel, what type of angel are you (there are different ranks of angels)?
- Are you part of the ground crew who have their real bodies up on the Galactic ships in stasis pods and have their consciousness operating this human avatar?
- If yes, then what star system is your actual ET body from?
- Are any of your family members in this lifetime part of your actual soul family and who?
- What is your main soul’s purpose of why you came to earth and your current mission?
- How many Guardian Angels do you have?
- How many spirt guides do you have?
- Do you have any past lifetime blocks that need clearing, including trauma, poverty vows, persecution, curses, karma, false light contracts, dark Magick spells, or other things that need to be cleared?
- Do you have any blocks inherited through DNA?
- If yes, what are the blocks? (traumas, wrong beliefs, family bloodline curses, dark Magick, voodoo, poverty vows, karmic debt, etc.)
- Do you have any entity attachments, parasitic attachments or other attachments?
- Do you have any people negatively chorded to you through the heart or solar plexus?
- Do you have any psychic attack daggers?
- Do you have any childhood or other trauma that needs clearing from this incarnation? If yes then what ages?
- Do you have any curses, dark Magick spells, voodoo, hoodoo, false light contracts, victim energy, poverty vows, or wrong beliefs that need clearing in this current lifetime created by you or others harming you in this lifetime?
- What is the biggest lesson you came here to learn in this lifetime that will cause you to reincarnate back here again if you do not learn this lesson.
- Is there any important message that Mother Father God or your higher self wants you to know right now?
Investment for this Reading is only $133 USD
Click on this link to contact Kimberly for your Soul Reading or go to contact page on this site:
If you must reschedule a session, please go to the confirmation email you received from Kimberly’s online scheduler, then hit the reschedule button. Not hit the cancellation button or you will be charged twice when you rebook.
***Cancellations & Refunds:
Kimberly does not offer refunds, so make sure when you schedule your reading, that you do not plan to cancel. If you cancel and do not reschedule instead, then you will NOT RECECIVE A REFUND.
All Soul Readings with Kimberly Palm and Spiritual Growth Journeys LLC are private and confidential. Your personal information from your Soul reading and contact information will never be shared with any person or business. Kimberly Palm is not a doctor or medical professional and cannot diagnose or treat any condition. Please know that upon payment and/or booking for any services which include but are not limited to soul readings by email, classes, retreats or any other offerings, you agree that the information you receive, energetic healing as well as any other services are not to be substituted for any advice, treatment or programs from a licensed medical, legal, financial or psychological professional. Kimberly Palm and Spiritual Growth Journeys LLC provides no guarantee or implied warranty and will not be responsible for any interpretations or decisions that are made or actions taken by her clients. Kimberly Palm and Spiritual Growth Journeys LLC will not be held liable for any of the services or products that she provides to clients.
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